Only 3 short years after the introduction of their 200 series cameras, Polaroid again tweaked the feature set of their camera models when they introduced their 300 series pack cameras. More of their models accepted lens accessories, but fewer had the extra aperture setting which was so useful indoors without a flash using b&w film. This feature was probably deemed to overly complicate the camera, introducing the risk of ruining a picture if set wrongly.
One welcome feature that was included on most cameras in this series was rangefinder focus. And, the addition of a built-in timer in 1/2 of their cameras distinguished this series from the last.
Polaroid also introduced an electronic flash unit in their high end model. Although this was a very useful and innovative feature, it was not included in any future models until the ProPack, most likely because of cost. But the engineering that went into the shuttering system on this flash carried forward to their next series of cameras.